Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Ari 2 years old and Hunter 6 months
My kids are growing up way too fast. I was looking at Ari the other day noticing how grown up she's looked lately. She's definitely not a baby any more. She's a little girl. Hunter is looking a lot more grown up as well. He's talking a lot and mostly independent.
Bathtub Painting
With as fast as these two are growing, I have found it more important to really spend time with them and play with them.
puppet play - Hunter thought it was funny to wear them on his feet
I work 3 days a week, and I get to bring Hunter to work with me. I am so grateful that I have had the quality time with both kids when they were infants to be with them all the time.
Napping at the same time - something that is rare
On my days off I tend to get caught up in the housework, sometimes putting that in front of the kids, because it needs to be done. Sometimes I'm on my iPad or phone too much. During that time is usually when Arianna and Hunter get into the most mischief.
Last week I made sure to play with the kids more. The sink was full of dishes, laundry was overflowing in the hamper, but it waited. I could tell that the kids really enjoyed the one on one time. We played with puppets, colored, did an alphabet project and played.
A is for Alligator
I've been thinking about the future a lot lately. I hope I have a good relationship with the kids as they get older.  I hope they remember spending a lot of time with Ryan and me, instead of us being on the phone or computers all the time. I also hope that they will be open with Ryan and me, and I hope that they have a lot of good childhood memories and remember all the fun things we do!





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