Friday, September 12, 2014

Hyland Woods Park

I've been becoming more aware of how important play is for children. Young children especially. The way that kids play now is so different from our parents and grandparents. We have modern playgrounds full of slides, swings and other fun stuff. With ipads and computer games readily available for kids, they are losing their ability to create and make stuff. In schools recess and play time are decreased and children are expected to sit still at a desk for the majority of the day. I'm kind of terrified to send Ari to school next year. Anyone who knows Ari knows that she is an active little girl. She loves to socialize and she loves to play! As a parent I want to encourage my kids to be active, creative and kind. 

So I found this website about a month ago that this guy made showing trips he took with his family to various parks around the area. He did a little review of each one and took several pictures. One that caught my interest was Hylan Woods Park (Hyland Woods Nautral Area it's called now). 

A good friend and I took our kids there yesterday. It has a nice walking trail, and it had what's called natral play areas. Basically set areas off the trail that children are allowed to play in the woods. 

There were several long sticks and logs set aside to make tepes or little forts. Several were made throughout the trails. The kids loved playing inside them and building more. We spent a good 2 hours walking the trails and letting the kids be creative and play. 

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