Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Healthy Eating

So a while ago I started a diet very similar to the Paleo diet. I ate mostly Vegetables, fruit and lean meats. I would eat bread very rarely, and whole grains only once a day. It didn't last long, but I loved it while it lasted. I felt healthy, and I had a lot of energy. I would go on daily walks, and it was great. Fast forward a few months, and I'm back to eating crappy again. I feel like this week especially i have felt so tired and drained. I love baking, and the husband asked me to make cookies, so I did. I couldn't just make them and not eat them. My kids love Graham crackers and I've seen a recipe floating around Pinterest, so I tried it out, and love it. But there's more carbs and sugar that I shouldn't be eating. My little sister is getting married this Saturday, so I've been giving myself excuses, telling myself its okay to eat all the sugar, because I'll be eating junk food at the wedding. Part of my problem that I know I need to work on, is switching up the food that I eat. I used to eat eggs every morning, followed by a no dairy smoothie (my favorite lately has been a handful of berries, a handful of spinach, 1 banana, a spoonful of frozen juice concentrate and water). That basically set the tone for how I would eat for the rest of the day, but after eating that daily for months I am burnt out and don't enjoy it as much, so I switched to toast with peanut butter and jelly. I have noticed that if I don't have a substantial and healthy breakfast, I tend to snack a lot more, and I usually crave carbs. Meal planning is a must as well. I am not the most creative person in the kitchen, so if I don't have meals, and even snacks planned out then I tend to just make simple things like quesadillas, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Because of my lack in meal planning lately, we've been going out to eat a lot more too. I went months without fast food before, and it was great. Going out once a week is okay, but I do feel like fast food should be avoided. My kids can be pretty picky. My son went to bed hungry last night because he refused to eat anything but crackers. It's so important to me to teach my kids good, healthy habits.
My goals for next month:
-Cut out carbs and sugar (whole grains once a day is fine)
-Add more veggies to my diet
-Meal plan at least once a week
-Eat a variety of foods, and switch up what I eat

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Homemade Laundry Soap

I'm always looking for ways to better my life, whether it be by making healthier choices, or trying to save money. When I saw homemade laundry detergent on Pinterest, I knew I needed to try it out. I used the recipe and tutorial found here. All of the ingredients were bought at my local Fred Meyers for under $10. So while the kids were off playing I got to work.
All of the ingredients
I shredded the bar of Fels Naphtha soap, melted it in water on the stove and measured out my Washing Soda and Borax while the soap was melting. The melting process took under 10 minutes for me. Once it was all melted I added the Borax and Washing Soda.
Ready to be poured into my bucket
The recipe called for 8-12 cups of water. I started off with 8, but once I added the Borax and Washing Soda it got a little thick, so I added the additional 4 cups, poured it into a 5 gallon bucket and added 4 gallons of water.
This is what it looked like when first poured into the bucket
I thought my bucket was big enough, but I could only fit 2 gallons in. I ended up letting it sit overnight and I added extra water as I poured it into the individual containers. I didn't realize how messy that would be. Since I didn't add enough water when I first poured it into the bucket, it turned very thick, and gel like.
After it sat overnight, looking all gel-like
Total it made about 6 gallons. It doesn't have a very strong smell, which I like, and my clothes seem to get just as clean, so I am very happy with the results. Next time I will for sure be using a 5 gallon bucket as well!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This week...

This week has just been one of those weeks...longer days at work with 2 extra kids. I was so ready for my 5 day weekend, until it came and I don't think the kids have gone without fighting/whinnying/clingy and all over me at all. My should be time alone in the shower was interrupted by Ari who has recently learned how to open doors, and get through my barricade. On top of that Ari has been very difficult about taking her afternoon nap. Ryan loves to brag about how good she is for him on his days off. Basically I hate him and I am very jealous. Kidding, I really do love him a lot. He just gets a lot of one on one time with her, and I wish I still had that.

On the bright side of my weekend we are getting a new (to us) couch from my parents either tonight or tomorrow. We've been wanting a bigger couch for a while, and were planning on waiting until we move into a house to buy one, but when my parents offered it to us we couldn't refuse. The kids can jump and make a mess on it and we won't care as much as we would if it were a new one. Also, another positive part of my weekend is I get Monday off. I will soak all of my time off up. The next two weeks will be long. My little sister is getting married, so on top of helping with the wedding, I'll be working 5 day work weeks, instead of just 3. My paycheck will be nice, and I'll have to buy myself something nice for all of my hard work!

So I've been wanting to go chemical free with all of my cleaning products. I made some vinegar spray cleaner about a year ago that works pretty well. I just bought stuff today to make homemade laundry detergent. I just have to say, I love Pinterest and all of the neat and helpful ideas you can find on there. Anyway, my mom has been using homemade laundry detergent for a while, and loves it. Hers is powder, but I prefer liquid so I will try that instead. Wish me luck, I hope it turns out well.

Thanks to whoever actually read this whole jumbled post with me basically ranting the whole time. Sometimes you just need to vent and get all your feelings out there to feel better.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Hubby!

My life has been blessed in so many ways by this man. Before i got married someone told me that I would marry someone very special. Ryan and I had a very close relationship right away. We became best friends right away, and told each other things that we had never told anyone else. Since then kids and life have happened, but it has just made our relationship deeper and stronger. I am so glad that i can still call Ryan my best friend. Happy birthday to this handsome man!

I asked Ari a few questions about her dad, here they are....

Q 1 - What do you like to do with Daddy?
          A - Play a game

Q 2 - What does daddy eat?
         A - food. ( I tried to get specifics, but she wouldn't give me any)

Q 3 - Where does daddy work?
          A - I fink in his car

Q 4 - How old is daddy?
         A - Um, 2. I fink maybe he is 2.

Q 5 - What is daddy's name?
         A - I can't like daddy's name.

Q 6 - What are you going to get daddy for his birthday?
          A - Candles.
          Q - How many candles?
           A - 3 candles

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fitness, nutrition and projects

One of my goals for this year was to get into shape. I lost a lot of weight, and got really skinny when I was breastfeeding Hunter. It's been months since I've stopped, and I've managed to keep most of the weight off, however I have realized I am very out of shape. Lucky for me, I get an hour lunch break every day at work, so I have been using that time to take Hunter on walks/jogs. Since the weather is getting nicer too, I've been taking Ari and Hunter on daily walks to the park. It's been paying off too, I am starting to get a little definition in my tummy area. Underneath my flabby stomach I am starting to get some abs!

The main thing that has helped me keep the weight off is eating healthy. My diet's not perfect, but Ryan and I try to eat pretty healthy for the most part. We tried doing a Paleo diet for a while. I loved it, and we were really good sticking to fruits, veggies, lean meat, fish and nuts. Since then we've gotten a little lazy, but I'm definitely planing on starting again. I'm so excited that farmers markets have started and I can get fresh and local fruits and veggies. Berry picking is a definite must as well. When I was following the Paleo diet, I noticed That I had a lot more energy. I used to get the 3pm sleepies, but I have energy throughout the whole day.

So I saw this tutorial the other day, and though I should try it.

Ryan had a pair of old gray slacks that I ruined trying to hem, but they were perfect for turning into a skirt. It did end up taking a little longer than I thought because it was a little too wide for me. I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the end results!

Along with that skirt I also turned a plain black, too big for me A- line skirt into high-waisted pencil skirt. I made some gray high-water yoga pants into leggings, and I love them now! I am so glad that I said "yes" when my mom asked if I wanted a sewing machine, and I am also so glad that I've taught myself how to use it. I love taking old ugly clothes, and making them into something better, and something I'd actually wear!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Positive Things

I miss having time to myself, I miss keeping my apartment clean for more than 2 minutes, I miss the alone time I used to have with Ryan. There are a lot of things I miss, but I look at my life the way it is now, and I would not change a single thing. In a way I love having toys and books covering my floor, Cheerios scattered and piles of laundry. It tells me that I have happy children who love to play, and eat. I am constantly reminding myself that I am so fortunate to have all of the many things I have. Lately I have been trying to be a more positive person, and focus on the things I am blessed with, instead of focusing on things that get me down. Today Istarted a list of things that i am blessed with. I plan on adding to it daily, and if I'm having a bad day, or a hard time with something I will have it with me to pick me up. I have so much in my life to be grateful for!